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Made in Germany

❯ Diamond from Bayern
❯ Own production
❯ Year founded: 1999
❯ CEO: Dr.-Ing. Peter Gluche
❯ Company in Neu-Ulm, DE
❯ Diamaze in Neuchâtel, CH
❯ Many technology patents
❯ Training company

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Plasma sharpening of diamond

The most important products include diamond-coated blades with plasma-sharpened cutting edges and the plasma­sharpening of diamond-coated tools. We also produce high-precision diamond balls and extremely sharp scalpel blades for eye surgery.

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Global leading provider

GFD develops and produces diamond-based products and is the world's leading provider of diamond micro technology. Our products have outstanding properties what leads to increases in efficiency and cost savings. Technology Patents protect our developments.



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Technology innovation

Through the chemical gas phase separation, so-called CVD process (Chemical Vapor Deposition), we can coat our blades, tools, bullets and scalpels with diamond. The plasma sharpening process can significantly increase the sharpness and durability (long life).

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Why diamond

Diamond has a unique combination of outstanding material properties. It is extremely hard, yet light, wear-resistant, chemically inert, electrically non-conductive and has a particularly low coefficient of friction. This makes diamond ideal for mechanical applications.

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Plasma sharpened diamond

The production is based on two technologies developed by us:
❯ First, a nano crystalline diamond coating is applied to a carrier made of hard metal.
❯ This ultra thin layer of pure diamond is then applied polished using a plasma sharpening process.





  • diamond-coated
  • plasma-sharpened
  • wear-resistant




  • diamond-coated
  • plasma-sharpened
  • wear-resistant
  • rich in applications




  • diamond-coated
  • plasma-sharpened
  • Eye surgery
  • up to 1,000 OP’s




  • diamond-coated
  • highest precision
  • wear-resistant
  • lubrication-free use


Research & Services


We put your
creative ideas
with our

The further development of our innovative technology enables us to turn ideas and prototypes into marketable products, parts and components.

Do you have any questions about our products or the technology we have developed?

Are you looking for an industry partner or service provider for a specific problem?


Jobs, Career

Take a look at our vacancies first.

You are welcome to send us your application: online, by e-mail to or by post.

Please send a short cover letter, a tabular CV and your most recent references.

No suitable job offer found? Then simply send us your unsolicited application.

We look forward to seeing you!

From start-up to company in 20 years

Event, Neu-Ulm, 2023.07. ➜ Event of the Ulm/Neu-Ulm Urban Development Association “Companies in Dialogue” from 31.07.2023, 17:30 – 19:45, Location: Ulm/Neu-Ulm Urban Development Association, Augsburgerstr. 15, 89231 Neu-Ulm.

Microstructured diamond for optical systems

Press, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, 2017.01. ➜ Microstructured diamond for optical systems – scalable basic technology and use in ATR infrared spectroscopy.

Materials of mechanical watches: Diamond

Press,, 2013.10. ➜ Silicon is good, but for watches there is actually a better material that women like to call their best friend: Diamond, the hardest material of all.

World market leader from Ulm with artificial diamonds

Press, Ulm News, 2012.04. ➜ GFD Managing Director Dr. Peter Gluche was a doctoral student at the University of Ulm and founded the Gesellschaft für Diamantprodukte mbH (GFD) together with Dr. Andre Flöter. Today, GFD develops and produces artificial diamond coatings with eight employees.