
13 posts

From start-up to company in 20 years

Event, Neu-Ulm, 2023.07. ➜ Event of the Ulm/Neu-Ulm Urban Development Association “Companies in Dialogue” from 31.07.2023, 17:30 – 19:45, Location: Ulm/Neu-Ulm Urban Development Association, Augsburgerstr. 15, 89231 Neu-Ulm.

World market leader from Ulm with artificial diamonds

Press, Ulm News, 2012.04. ➜ GFD Managing Director Dr. Peter Gluche was a doctoral student at the University of Ulm and founded the Gesellschaft für Diamantprodukte mbH (GFD) together with Dr. Andre Flöter. Today, GFD develops and produces artificial diamond coatings with eight employees.

Watch technology, jewelry in jewelry

Press, Manager Magazin, 2004.08. ➜ Scientists have come up with a new twist to make mechanical watches run even more precisely and need to be wound less often. In the future, cogwheels could be made of artificial diamonds.

Improving the sharpness of diamond-coated carbide blades

Press, Industrie Diamant Rundschau, 2004.04. ➜ Using a plasma sharpening process, GFD Gesellschaft für Diamantprodukte mbH, Ulm, has now succeeded in economically reducing the cutting edge radius of diamond-coated carbide blades to a value of less than 0.5 µm after the coating process.

Synthetic diamond scalpel at StartUp

Press, idw, 1999.04. ➜ Synthetic diamond scalpel – superior product personality. Any geometry and size and sharp to the point of no return. Ulm-based GFD Gesellschaft für Diamantprodukte mbH among the 10 best in Germany from StartUp.